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Batman and Superman Bookends umělecké knižní zarážky

Batman and Superman Bookends umělecké knižní zarážky
Skladem: na dotaz
Minifigurky, knižní zarážky
Modely postav (akční figurky), sošky fosilií

Cena 3 990,00 Kč s 21% DPH

Batman and Superman Resin Bookend Statues: One of the greatest superhero teams of all time! Batman and Superman will keep your stacks of books in line! Each comes on his own themed bookend base. A must-have for true DC Comics, Superman, and Batman fans! Batman and Superman - one of the greatest superhero teams of all time - pair up to keep your stacks of books and other media at bay! These Batman and Superman Resin Bookend Statues feature beautiful renderings of the power duo, each on his own themed bookend. Batman rests his foot on a gray gargoyle base, while Superman s base would be commonly seen in the city of Metropolis. A must-have for true DC Comics, Superman, and Batman fans, bookends featuring a more stupendous duo cannot be found. Superman measures 4 1/2-inches tall while Batman stands 4 1/4-inches tall, and they come together in a box measuring 11 3/4-inches wide x 9 1/4-inches tall x 6 1/4-inches long. Ages 18 and up.

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