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Black Widow White Pawn Chess Piece & Mag

Black Widow White Pawn Chess Piece & Mag
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Cena 1 990,00 Kč s 21% DPH

Marvel Avengers Black Widow White Pawn Chess Piece & Mag.: Decide the fate of the Marvel Universe over a game of chess with this #25 Marvel Avengers Black Widow White Pawn Chess Piece with Collector Magazine. The Marvel Chess Collection is a series offering the comic fan and chess lover alike the chance to collect a unique chess set featuring some of the greatest and most loved Marvel characters. The first set in the Marvel Chess Collection consists of the greatest heroes and villains from across the Marvel Universe. Will Spider-Man survive against Venom? Can Captain America overcome the villainous Red Skull? Or will the forces of evil defeat the assembled heroes? With the Marvel Chess Collection the battle is in your hands! Ages 14 and up.

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