Bugatti EB110 GT Red 1/18 Die-Cast Vehicle
Cena 10 990,00 Kč s 21% DPH
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Model auta pro sběratele Bugatti EB110 GT v červeném laku vytvořená podle předlohy originálu designerským týmem v měřítku 1:18 při věrném zachování detailu a kvality zpracování.
The EB110 is a memorable sports car made by luxury car-maker Bugatti. The GT version roars at 561 bhp thanks to its fuel injected V12 engine with 3.5 liter DOHC. This Bugatti model is extremely rare because only 83 models were ever produced.
You can get a small scale diecast car model of the valuable Bugatti EB110 GT with the AUTOart 1/18 Signature Bugatti EB110 GT Dark Red. This diecast car model has the same interior and exterior design. Its outdoor body is painted with a dark red color.
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