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Thought Forces Essays Selected from the White Cross Library (1913)
Gift of Spirit (1917 2nd revised ed.)
The Gift of Understanding
Your Forces and How to Use Them (1907)
Thoughts Are Things (1889)
Popular Books and Essays by Mulford:
He became known for his humorous style of writing and vivid descriptions of both mining life as well as life at sea. In 1872, Mulford returned to New York City, where he became known as a comic lecturer, author of poems and essays, and a columnist for [The New York Daily Graphic] from 1875-1881.
After leaving the mining life, Mulford ran for a position on the California State Assembly in Sacramento. Although he was nominated, he ultimately lost the election.
Mulford was born in Sag Harbor, New York and, in 1856, sailed to California where he would spend the next 16 years. During this time, Mulford spent several years in mining towns, trying to find his fortune in gold, copper, or silver.
Prentice Mulford (stručný životopis, anglicky):
Autor je průkopníkem učení "Nová myšlenka", které odhaluje všem lidem nejtajnější zákony duchovního světa a které ukazuje s naprostou jistotou cestu ke každému (i hmotnému) úspěchu bez nebezpečného experimentování.
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