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Ford Model A Police Patrol Black 1/18 Die-Cast Vehicle

Ford Model A Police Patrol Black 1/18 Die-Cast Vehicle
Skladem: na dotaz
Kategorie:Modely aut pro sběratele

Cena 3 590,00 Kč s 21% DPH

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Model auta pro sběratele Ford Model A Police Patrol v černém laku vytvořená podle předlohy originálu designerským týmem v měřítku 1:18 při věrném zachování detailu a kvality zpracování.

The 1929 Ford Model-A was the successor to the ever-popular Ford Model-T. This gave it a lot to live up to, considering the Model-T is one of the best-selling, most revolutionary cars of all time. Despite the long shadow of the Model-T, the A went on to sell more than 4,000,000 units, owing to its huge variation in model types, which was in excess of 30 different variants.
The more stylish aesthetics of the Model-A are owed to, Edsel, Henry Ford s son, since Henry was so opposed to exuberance and cosmetics. The car has had major media coverage appearing in films and television series of the 30s up until today.
Signature Models endeavour to create diecast replicas with the utmost realism, focussing on vintage cars like this black 1931 Ford Model A 1/32 police panel car . Add it to your collection of diecast model trucks featuring Doors Open, Hood Opens, Back Opens, Wheels Steer, Wheels Roll, Made of High Quality Diecast.

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