Harley Quinn Bishoujo Anime Statue soška
Cena 4 987,00 Kč s 21% DPH
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Soška Harley Quinn vytvořená podle předlohy figurální řady Bishoujo (japonský výraz pro krásnou ženu) vycházející z japonské formy dějového vyprávění anime je vysoká cca 21 cm s detailním zpracováním.
The Bishoujo style is Japanese in origin, and means beautiful young girl. Kotobukiya has had great success translating this general anime/manga style into a long running series of statues. They have also managed to do something that is pretty rare these days - produce a consistent series that includes characters from Marvel and DC.
Here we have Harley straddling the very phallic hammer handle, and based on the artwork on the box, she should have a coy, sexy expression.
The sculpt of the body is excellent, and Harley has all the right curves in all the right spots. Proportions are excellent, and fairly realistic for a comic book representation.
This statue is all one piece, with everything attached right out of the package. Harley stands about 8 inches tall without the base.
The best part of this sculpt is the eyes. Clearly a separate piece, they are set within the head in a very realistic way, especially in hand.
It is as if she is saying "we all know just what I am doing with this hammer, but I am still a sweet girl".
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