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Jóga zdokonaluji se v józe

Jóga zdokonaluji se v józe
André van Lysebeth      
Rok vydání:2003
Skladem: na dotaz
Meditace, mystika

Cena 369,00 Kč s 10% DPH

Van Lysebeth was the foremost European Tantric author and teacher
He was initiated into Tantra philosophy and practice by the late Nataraja Guru.
Because he taught yoga for so many yeas, and is an authority in this field, his four books on yoga have become classics in French, and have been translated into fifteen languages. The book, Tantra-Cult of the Feminine, is the result of many years of study.
He has practiced yoga since 1945, founded the Belgian Yoga Federation and the European Yoga Federation in cooperation with Gerard Blitz (founder of club Mediterranee) in 1965, and is the editor of the French magazine, Yoga.
has written five books, two yoga titles have been translated into English.
ANDRE VAN LYSEBETH (11. 11 1919 - 28. 1. 2004, Perpignan) anglicky
Nechybí kapitoly věnované mentální józe.
Také v této části se čtenář seznámí s řadou ásan, kterými může obohatit nacvičenou sérii, a získá mnoho cenných informací z oblasti životosprávy. Autor klade důraz na náležité stravování, relaxaci, spánek.
Druhý díl slavného triptychu André van Lysebetha.

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