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Legacy of the Divine Tarot (78 kare a kniha)

Legacy of the Divine Tarot (78 kare a kniha)

The Legacy of the Divine is a stunning 78-card deck from Ciro Marchetti, talented artist and creator of the Gilded Tarot and Tarot of Dreams. It is roughly based on a Rider-Waite foundation, but rendered in a magical, highly realistic digital style.

Step into a lost world from long ago, a world enshrouded in a veil of darkness after a cataclysmic collision that stilled the earth. Millennia pass and only humankind has survived - through the divine gift of prophetic dreams. Exquisitely rich and magical, this new tarot deck by digital artist Ciro Marchetti takes you into the heart of fantasy and guides you toward hope, wisdom, and inspiration. An insightful companion guidebook, "Gateway to the Divine Tarot", presents the author s interpretations of each card s meaning and significance, along with additional perspectives from highly respected experts in the tarot community, including Ruth Ann and Wald Amberstone, James Ricklef, and Leisa ReFalo.

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