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Marilyn Monroe

Marilyn Monroe

Cena knihy je 22 000 Kč.
Hardcover, clamshell box, 36.5 x 44 cm (14.4 x 17.3 in.),
is one of America"s greatest portrait photographers, who during the 1960s produced 200 pages annually for Vogue, as well as many of the most important print and television advertising campaigns. He is best known for his revolutionary print ads for Smirnoff and his portrait sitting with Marilyn Monroe just six weeks before her death. Stern lives and works in New York City.
Bert Stern (b. 1929)
The photographer:
Norman Mailer (1923-2007)
Six weeks later, mysteriously, she was dead. In this bold synthesis of literary classic and legendary portrait sitting, Mailer and Stern lift the veils of confusion surrounding Monroe—the woman, the star, the sex symbol—and offer profound insight into an iconic figure whose true personality remains an enigma even today.
Photographed for Vogue magazine over three days at the Bel-Air Hotel, Marilyn had never allowed such unfettered access, nor had she looked so breathtakingly beautiful.
—widely considered the most intimate ever taken of Monroe
Monroe by Mailer and Stern
Three legends
Cena knihy je 22 000 Kč.

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