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Pojednání o Bílé magii čili Cesta učedníka

Pojednání o Bílé magii čili Cesta učedníka

It is this transformation that leads to "right human relations" and spiritual revelation or awakening. Discrete steps on the spiritual path are called initiations, which is to say that the evolving consciousness is entering into new and wider fields of awareness, relationships, responsibilities, and power.In terms of her ray concept, the note of the soul is imposed (or superimposed) on the note of the personality...
The mind is not conceived to be simply an ephemeral brain effect, but as the motivating energy responsible for the inner constitution of individuals, and which also manifest as the aura.
She uses traditional terms for these lower three "vehicles" or "sheaths": etheric body, astral body and mental body. These auric aspects of the human being are defined as partial emanations or expressions of the soul, which is itself synonymous with the evolving human consciousness.
In line with previous Theosophical teachings,´Bailey taught that man consists of a soul of abstract mental material, working through a personality—a technical term used to describe the physical, emotional, and less-abstract mental bodies considered holistically.
The constitution of man
The concept of the seven rays can also be found in Theosophical works.Campbell writes that Bailey, "...was the first to develop the idea of the seven rays, although it can be found in germ in earlier Theosophical writings." The seven rays also appear in Hindu religious philosophy.
Humanity as a whole is conceived as a center of energy as are the masters of wisdom of which she writes. Likewise, planet Earth as a whole, with all its subsidiary centers of life, is viewed as a center of life within the large life or divinity of our solar system.
This includes everything from atoms to centers or chakras in the human constitution, and upwards through the human aura to groups of humans as centers, and cities and nations as centers.
Although described as "Lords" and "persons", Bailey states that these "great forces" are not to be understood in terms of human personality. She also cautions that any description of such things must be couched in terms of our particular planet, such that humanity can understand it, but that these "pure Being[s]... have purposes and activities in which our Earth plays only a minor part."
The Lord of Ceremonial Order or Magic
The Lord of Devotion and Idealism
The Lord of Concrete Knowledge and Science
The Lord of Harmony, Beauty and Art
The Lord of Active Intelligence
The Lord of Love-Wisdom
The Lord of Power or Will
She enumerates these seven as:
In Esoteric Psychology I, the first book of A Treatise on the Seven Rays, Bailey writes that the "one Life sought expansion" resulting in seven aeons, or emanations, manifesting in the expression of life, becoming the "seven Rishis of all the ancient scriptures."
From one essential energy, divinity, proceed seven rays that underlie and shape the evolution of human life and the entire phenomenal world.On a cosmic level these seven rays of energy are the creative forces of planets and stars. On a microcosmic level they are the creative forces conditioning the physical, psychic, and spiritual constitution of man.
This energy is life itself.
Underlying her writings is the idea that all is energy and that spirit, matter, and the psychic forces intermediate between them are forms of energy.
The Seven Rays of energy
The term has been embraced, in a simplified form, by the contemporary New Age movement and was recently popularized in the film The Secret.
Another principle of Theosophy, the Law of Attraction was discussed in esoteric writings by Blavatsky, Annie Besant, William Quan Judge,and others; and was also discussed in the writings of Alice Bailey, including a whole chapter in one of her books.
Jon Klimo, in Investigations on Receiving Information from Paranormal Sources, writes, "As with Blavatsky/Theosophical material, and more recent contemporary channeled material from other sources, we find in the Bailey work the same occult cosmological hierarchy: physical, etheric, astral, mental, causal, and higher inhabited levels of existence." [
The conflict is understandable since her works contain some criticisms of Theosophy, and at the time of the break she voiced her criticism of what she saw as dogmatic structures within the society, while questioning the pledges of loyalty to Theosophical leaders that were required.
For instance, the noted contemporary Theosophical writer Geoffrey Hodson wrote a highly favorable review of one her books, saying, "Once more Alice Bailey has placed occult students in her debt." Olav Hammer writes, "Her first book, Initiation Human and Solar, was at first favorably received by her fellow theosophists. Soon, however, her claims to be recipient of ageless wisdom from the Masters met with opposition."
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Category:Theosophical philosophical concepts
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