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Raven Cover Girls Pin-Up Statue

Raven Cover Girls Pin-Up Statue

Soška Raven vytvořená podle předlohy figurální řady the Cover Girls of the DC Universe Series vycházející z tvorby Adama Hughese a Jack Mathewse je vysoká cca 27,5 cm s detailním zpracováním.

These statues are in a 1/8 or 1/9th scale, depending on how big you think the ladies should be. Raven is a full 11" from bottom of base to top of the head, but remember that several inches are eaten up in the base itself.

The floating pose above the swirling translucent black cloud, arms and fingers extended are the great look. As usual, this is an Adam Hughes cover design, translated into 3 dimensions by the talented Jack Mathews.

There is just something about the pose that seems a bit more traditional, and a little less Vargas pin-up model.

The flowing costume looks fantastic, and the expression combines a sexy slyness with determination and danger. The cowl doesn t flow around her head evenly, with one side hanging tighter to her face than the other. While that is very likely in real life, this is a statue, and a bit more symmetry to the cowl s shape would have looked better.

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