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Sebastian Michaelis The Waiter ArtFXJ Statue

Sebastian Michaelis The Waiter ArtFXJ Statue

Soška Sebastian Michaelis vytvořená podle předlohy figurální řady Black Butler Book of Circus vycházející z the ARTFXJ line je vysoká cca 24 cm s detailním zpracováním.

Black Butler Sebastian Michaelis Real Action Heroes Figure:

Choose the demon butler! Sebastian Michaelis stands nearly 12-inches tall. Includes alternate expressions, hair parts, and hands.

Comes with a candelabra, a tray, his pocket watch, and an articulated stand! The demon butler of the Phantomhive household stands nearly 12-inches tall and comes with everything he needs to properly serve a collector.

Included are three alternate expressions, two alternate hair parts, alternate hands, a candelabra, a tray (with teapot, cup, knife, and fork) his signature pocket watch, and an articulated stand!

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