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Škola geomantie

Škola geomantie

Our third daughter, Nike Kranjc is a scientist working in the field of forestry and renewable bio-energy.
See: www.ana-pogacnik.com
Our youngest daughter Ana Pogačnik has created a school for personal development and geomancy in Munich, Germany called "Wieder sehen”. She is also a book author. We collaborate in the field of teaching and have published a book together (So Wide the Heart, Lindisfarne 2006)
Our oldest daughter Ajra Pogačnik is working as spiritual healer and book author. She collaborates with me in teaching geomancy and personal development in different countries.
My wife Marika Pogačnik is an artist working in wood carving. She is helping me with carving cosmogrammes for our lithopuncture projects.
It is a great pleasure for me to work within a family team.
(Please use it only if the benefit of life on Earth is concerned. I have no secretary to handle the post.)
Address: Marko Pogačnik, Šempas 160, Si-5261 Šempas, Slovenia
In 1991 Marko Pogačnik has designed the official coat of arms and the flag of the newly constituted Republics of Slovenia.
He teaches geomancy in different countries in Europe and USA, runs courses on holistic ecology, geomancy and personal development in many countries world-wide. His main themes are: multidimensionality of landscape and of urban environment, communication with different facets of nature, the rediscovery of the feminine principle, the present Earth changes and human transformation.
Sacred Geography (2007)
Touching the Breath of Gaia (2007),
So Wide the Heart (together with Ana Pogačnik, 2006),
Turned Upside Down, (2004),
The Daughter of Gaia, (2001),
Earth Changes, Human Destiny, (2000)
Christ Power and the Earth Goddess (1999),
Healing the Heart of the Earth (1998),
Nature Spirits and Elemental Beings (1996)
A Hidden Pathway through Venice (1986),
Ley-Lines and Ecology (Together with William Bloom, 1983),
His books in English:
Since 1979 he has been engaged in geomantic and Earth healing work. In the mid 80-s he has developed a method of Earth healing similar to acupuncture by using stone pillars and positioning them on acupuncture points of the landscape. He calls it "lithopuncture". (See the list of lithopuncture projects in the chapter on Earth healing and Art work).
In 1971, together with his family and friends, he has founded a rural - artistic community and spiritual centre called the "Šempas Family" at Šempas, Slovenia. It existed up to 1979. Exhibitions by the Šempas Family include Trigon 1977 in Graz and the Venice Biennale of 1978.
The rather complete collection of OHO works is housed by the Museum of Modern Art in Ljubljana.
From 1965 till 1971 he worked as a member of an international art group called OHO, in the fields of conceptual art and land-art. Exhibitions include Information Show at the Museum of Modern Art in New York, 1970, Aktionsraum, Munich, 1970, and Global Conceptualism Show 1950-80, Queens Museum of Art, New York, 1999
Marko Pogačnik was born in 1944 in Kranj, Slovenia, graduated as sculptor on the Academy of fine Arts in Ljubljana in 1967. He is living with his wife Marika in Šempas, Slovenia. They have three daughters and five grand children.
Autorův životopis (anglicky):
Vznikl otevřený geomantický systém, nabízející podle mého přesvědčení dostatek prostoru pro variace a další rozvíjení. A tak bych chtěl čtenáře pozvat k účasti na právě započatém procesu probuzení a rozkvétání: s radostí, vzájemnou tolerancí a pokorou před tajemstvími života.
Co jsem při práci na předkládané knize prožil, je všechny závory rozrážející procitnutí geomantického umění - nikoli lopotná výstavba kousek po kousku, ale zcela nečekaný kvantový skok. Chtě nechtě jsem přitom musel myslet na trní do spánku ponořeného zámku Šípkové Růženky, které v předpovězený den vysvobození rozkvetlo.
(autor v knize:)
Kniha je základním dílem k moderní geomantii s návodem na vlastní tvořivé osvojení si geomantického umění.
Geomantie je věštění ze značek nakreslených na zemi. Využívala se například při vyhledávání správných míst pro stavby a pro hroby.
Geomantie znamená věštění, odhalování skrytých sil Země.

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