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Smeagol Bobble Head Glum z Pána Prstenů

Smeagol Bobble Head Glum z Pána Prstenů
Skladem: na dotaz
Kategorie:Figurky karikatur

Cena 1 990,00 Kč s 21% DPH

Lord of the Rings Smeagol Bobble Head: Talk about "deer in the headlights"! "We s look good on Master s desky, yes?" This hand-painted Lord of the Rings Smeagol Bobble Head lets you smack his head around for being so Gollum-ish, and watch as he bobbles with gleeful delight. Good Smeagol stands 6-inches tall and is made of heavy ceramic-type resin. He comes in a closed box, but you ll want to free him so he can continue his quest for the One Ring.

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