Star Wars Chewbacca Bobble Head hvězdné války
Cena 1 690,00 Kč s 21% DPH
Star Wars Chewbacca Bobble Head.
What a Wookiee!
Chewbacca Bobble Head from the Star Wars trilogy.
Chewie is the world s most-beloved walking carpet.
Han Solo s sidekick is ready to guard over you!
This charismatic, 6-inch tall bobble head of Chewbacca is based on designs from the original Star Wars trilogy. He features the mighty hero s trademark bowcaster, blue eyes, and shaggy fur. Standing atop a personalized display base, the world s most-beloved walking carpet (and sidekick to Han Solo) is ready to guard over you while you sleep, work, or otherwise engage in guarding-worthy activities!
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