Supergirl Pin-Up Cover Girls Statue
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Soška Supergirl vytvořená podle předlohy figurální řady the Cover Girls of the DC Universe/Cover Girls of the DCU collection vycházející z tvorby Jack Mathewse a Adam Hughese je vysoká cca 20 cm s detailním zpracováním.
This Supergirl pose differs from the rest of the series so far in one very interesting way. It is not that the pose is unique, but quite the opposite. The other statues in this series are often in somewhat unusual poses. True, these are from actual covers for the most part, but the covers usually depict the characters in very dynamic and creative poses.
This time Supergirl is in a very standard Supergirl pose, flying upward with one fist forward as she busts through the street below.
It is not a bad pose, and is certainly classic (and much preferred to the far less classic Batgirl pose), but some fans might have wanted something a bit more extreme.
She is breaking up through the concrete below, with chunks flying hither and yon. Hughes and Mathews did a nice job designing the statue in such a way as to allow for the smaller in-air pieces to hang off various parts and still look good.
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