Tarot Obrázkového Klíče 3D Grand Trumps (22 karet velká arkána) anglicky

Rozměry karet : 80 x 145 mm
It is perfect deck for beginners that are not ready for Minor Arcana yet - it should give them lots of joy.
Moon card is actually scarier/creepier thanks to the creature that replaced the crab in the front...
Hermit - perfect balance of light and shadow, good composition, nice 3D effect. Star is almost a tie - mainly due to slightly less impressive 3D. Tower is the third - it is very dramatic and quite spectacular in 3D.
Images are mostly traditional - with exception of Death that follows the pattern of Hierophant. Warning for those offended by nudity - no anatomical details are obscured on Lovers, Devil and Star.
The 3D effect can be best obtained the good light. Strong, dispersed light seems to bring out the best of the images. Usually there are two angles (slightly off center) that give you the best viewing experience.
Cards are big and thick - thickness could be a problem if it was full deck, but since it only contains Major Arcana.
The cards look even better than the actual cards (one suspects that having non-3D border on cards spoils the illusion somehow).
Velká arkána Tarotu obrázkového klíče v 3 D rozměru nabízí nezvykle hluboký vizuální zážitek !
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