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Thor The God of Thunder Statue

Thor The God of Thunder Statue

Soška Thora vytvořená podle románové předlohy bájí z norské mytologie a z figurální předlohy tvorby Arahoma Radjaha a Alexe Pereira vycházející z prastaré formy dějového vyprávění je vysoká cca 73 cm s detailním zpracováním.

Thor is one of the most prominent figures in Norse mythology. He was a major god of all branches of the Germanic peoples before their conversion to Christianity, although he reached the height of his popularity among the Scandinavians of the late Viking Age.

Thor, the brawny thunder god, is the archetype of a loyal and honorable warrior, the ideal toward which the average human warrior aspired. He is the indefatigable defender of the Aesir gods and their fortress, Asgard, from the encroachments of the giants, who are usually the enemies of the gods.

Size: 29"H 12"W x 12"D

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