Venatosaurus Attack Statue Diorama
Cena 9 873,00 Kč s 21% DPH
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Diorama Venatosaurus Attack vytvořená podle filmové předlohy the the 1930 s classic King Kong vycházející z díla Petera Jacksona je vysoká cca 25,4 cm s detailním zpracováním.
The official collectibles from Peter Jackson s epic retelling of the 1930 s classic film, King Kong. This unique range comes directly from the artists of the Weta Workshop, the same team responsible for the creation of Kong s world.
Fearing for their lives, the crew run for cover dodging huge feet and claws on the way, but they are not quick enough for the hungry pack of Venatosauruses.
Ship s cook Lumpy sees his life flash before his eyes when a huge venatosaurus leaps at him, claws extended in a deadly attack.
This is a limited edition of 3,000 pieces.
Sculpted By Gary Hunt.
Item Size: approx. 10" x 17.5" x 8.5" (H x W x D), 25.4 cm x 44.5 cm x 21.6 cm . Polystone
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