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Wiccan Cards (33 karet)

Wiccan Cards (33 karet)

výklad v: I, Uk, F, D, Es
Rozměry karet: 62 x 100 mm
krásou a profesionálním zpracováním.
* Lo Scarabeo představuje 20.letou tradici a celosvětový věhlas získaný kvalitou,
* Lo Scarabeo znamená precizní zpracování, art a historie, moderní design, mystika, čarodějnictví, fantazie, kouzla a příběhy
Italské tarotové karty Lo Scarabeo s návodem:
They are a first introduction into the Wiccan Way of Life come true into the colours and pictures of this deck.
The Wiccan Oracle cannot and will not replace other books written on Wicca.
The Wiccan Oracle cards can also be used for ritual magick as a kind of focus in spellwork or for meditation.
The cards are divided into 4 element cards, 2 God cards, 8 cards representing the 8 High Sabbaths, 3 Master cards and 16 cards with symbols of Pagan life.
The 33 cards can be used both upside and reversed. (reversed means that the cards are showing upside down) , the meaning may change when they are reversed and may have a different, sometimes less favourable meaning.
Most symbols are taken from European folk magick of various traditions (mostly Celtic symbols and archetypal pictures which are not bound to a special tradition).
Of course, you can also use the cards if you are from another religion as there are many symbols used in other religions as well such as butterfly, broom, pumpkins, canopy, cat, fox, horse, mask, etc.)
The Wiccan Cards by Nada Mesa and Chatriya Hemharnvibul (illustrator) were specially designed to offer an easy pictorial introduction for all interested in Wicca and/or other Pagan religion based on a Celtic or Germanic background.

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