Wonder Woman and Batman in Battle Statue Set
Cena 9 890,00 Kč s 21% DPH
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Sousoší Wonder Woman a Batmana vytvořené podle předlohy figurální řady the Injustice: God s Among Us – a joint video game vycházející z grafického návrhu Marco Nelora je vysoké cca 27 cm s detailním zpracováním.
The plastic and vinyl statue rendered with a combination of injected, hand-painted and imprinted decoration depicting a Modern Age Wonder Woman and Batman frozen in battle on a diorama-style base with imprinted logo, based on their appearance in Injustice: God s Among Us – a joint video game from NetherRealm Studios, Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment and DC Comics.
Separate accessories include a wired gold cord lasso of truth and Batarang which must be assembled and positioned individually onto the statue for display.
Limited Edition to the United Kingdom and Europe, and only included with the Collector s Edition of Injustice: God s Among Us for Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3.
10 1/2″ H x 9″ W x 6 1/4″ D
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