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Žijte lepší život osobní příběh Og Mandina

Žijte lepší život osobní příběh Og Mandina
Og Mandino      
Rok vydání:2008
Skladem: na dotaz
Kategorie:Emoce, podvědomí, sebepoznání
Ekonomie, komunikace, prodej
Motivace, úspěch, propagace
Podobné knihy:Náhoda
If You Want to Be Rich & Happy Don
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Můžete se vyhnout byť jen jedinému dalšímu dni strávenému pocity neúspěchu, zármutku, bídy, studu nebo sebelítosti. Tady je lepší cesta pro život, cesta, která Ogu Mandinovi doslova život zachránila - cesta, která vám může pomoci uskutečnit vaše sny.
Tato jednoduchá, lehce následovatelná pravidla zahrnují spolehlivé recepty pro vnitřní růst a pro plnohodnotný každodenní život, které pracují za vás - právě tak jako pracovaly pro Oga Mandina .
A teď může hluboce ovlivnit váš život. Zde jsou principy, které zásadně změnily život Oga Mandina, jeho sedmnáct zásad úspěchu.
Og Mandino je jediný člověk, který může vyprávět tento potěšující příběh osobního triumfu - protože tohle je jeho vlastní pravdivý příběh.
Ale kdysi býval pětatřicetiletým vyděděncem, který utratil posledních pár dolarů za sebevražednou zbraň. Nyní vůbec poprvé zábavně popisuje spásný proces, který během deseti let proměnil vyřízeného alkoholika v milionáře a šťastného muže.
Autor je významným světovým autorem, který vás může inspirovat.

Autorův životopis (anglicky):

The Greatest Success In The World
Secrets For Success And Happiness
The Greatest Mystery In The World
The Twelfth Angel
The Return Of The Ragpicker
A Better Way To Live
University of Success (Compilation from other works)
He Is Tough
The Ten Ancient Scrolls For Success: From The Greatest Salesman In The World
The Greatest Salesman In The World Part II: The End Of The Story
The God Memorandum
Mission: Success!
The Christ Commission
The Choice
The Gift Of Acabar (with Buddy Kaye)
The Greatest Miracle In The World
The Greatest Secret In The World
The Greatest Salesman In The World
U.S.A. in a Nutshell
Books written by Mandino
The Twelfth Angel
The Holy Bible
As a Man Thinketh, by James E. Allen
The Magic Power of Emotional Appeal, by Roy Garn
How I Raised Myself From Failure to Success In Selling, by Frank Bettger
The Ability to Love, by Dr. Allan Fromme
Acres of Diamonds, by Russell H. Conwell
I Dare You, by William Danforth
Your Greatest Power, by J. Martin Kohe
The Power of Faith, by Louis Binstock
Success Through a Positive Mental Attitude, by W. C. Stone and Napoleon Hill
Think and Grow Rich, by Napoleon Hill
The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin, by Benjamin Franklin
The following books are what Mandino believed to be the twelve greatest self-help, self-knowledge, and self-inspirational books ever written:
According to his wife, Niceleta, Mandino was an avid reader of books. His favorite author was Henry David Thoreau. And he also enjoyed reading science fiction, historical and religious books, and letters written by authors.
Mandino was a golf enthusiast, and also loved track-and-field events. He usually read when not writing. He adored his family, and liked playing baseball and reading for his children. Every weekend, Mandino and his family had automobile races in the basement of their home.
He retired at the age of 52. Mandino was six feet tall with brown eyes and brown hair. He liked pasta in marinara sauce and spicy and hot foods. His wife, Bette, used to carry a jar of red pepper at all times inside her purse for Mandino.
He wrote a total of 19 books, 16 of which are still in print, the first being The Greatest Salesman in the World.
Mandino was married to his second wife Bette on December 9, 1957.
Scroll X - I will pray for guidance.
Scroll IX - I will act now, I will act now, I will act now.
Scroll VIII - Today I will multiply my value a hundredfold.
Scroll VII - I will laugh at the world (Keep perspective)
Scroll VI - Today I will be master of my emotions.
Scroll V - I will live this day as if it is my last.
Scroll III - I will persist until I succeed.
Scroll II - I will greet this day with love in my heart.
Scroll I - Today I begin a new life.
The scrolls each have a principle designed to replace bad habits built up over a lifetime which "threatens to imprison my future" (Scroll I) with good habits developed through a ten month process of studying the scrolls.
As the words of these scrolls are consumed by my mysterious mind I will begin to awake, each morning, with a vitality I have never known before. My vigor will increase, my enthusiasm will rise, my desire to meet the world will overcome every fear I once knew at sunrise, and I will be happier than I ever believed it possible to be in this world of strife and sorrow." (Scroll I)
"will seep into my other mind, that mysterious source which never sleeps, which creates my dreams, and often makes me act in ways I do not comprehend.
the time-tested wisdom of the ancients distilled into ten simple scrolls which, if followed for the prescribed ten months, will as Og says,
Mandino wrote The Greatest Salesman in the World which contains
Mandino eventually became a successful writer. His works were inspired by the Bible and influenced by Napoleon Hill, W. Clement Stone, and Emmet Fox.
After his military duties, Mandino discovered that many companies were not hiring many former bomber pilots. As a result, he became an insurance salesman. Traveling on the road and sitting in bars at night, Mandino became an alcoholic.
Afterwards, Mandino joined the United States Army Air Corps where he became a military officer and a bombardier. He flew for thirty bombing missions over Germany on board a B-24 Liberator during World War II. It was also during this time that Mandino flew with fellow pilot and movie star, James Stewart. Mandino kept a personalized 8 X 10 photograph of Stewart. This photograph hung on the wall of his home office where he wrote his books.
According to the 1930 U.S. Census, Mandino was named after his paternal grandfather.
He remains one of the best-selling inspirational authors today. His books have sold over 50 million copies and have been translated into over twenty-five different languages.
was a "sales guru" and the author of the bestselling book The Greatest Salesman in the World.
Augustine "Og" Mandino (December 12, 1923 - September 3, 1996)

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