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Davy Jones Archive Statue

Davy Jones Archive Statue

Soška Davy Jonesa vytvořená podle filmové předlohy the Pirates of the Caribbean: : At World s End vycházející z dějové řady the collectible series je vysoká cca 30 cm s detailním zpracováním.

Here comes the Pirates of the Caribbean: At World s End 12-inch figure line! These are some of the finest 12-inch figures ever created, featuring incredible likenesses and amazingly detailed costumes. Each 12-inch POTC figure features Hot Toys fully articulated 12inch figure body and a generous number of accessories.

So Pirates of the Caribbean in part two of the trilogy, Dead Mans Chest, gave us Davy Jones, in many ways he was played out as a puppet to the evil Cutler Beckett, who in turn represents the corporate East India Trading Company (or the Empire if you will, both British and metaphorically Star Warsian).

But Davy only acts as a puppet as long as Beckett has his enchanted hold over him, a kind of Emperor if we are to continue this tack.

The true Vader of the movies was without a doubt Jones, and a great bit of character design he was too. Like Vader the writers gave him enough pathos that we had some sympathy for him and we still knew that under all of his fishy goings on there was still the heart of a man beating, unfortunately though, it was stored in a box.

To be fair it is a fantastic sculpt by Pan Mak. Unlike any of the others in this line he is completely sculpted from the top most point of his tri-corner hat right down to the tip of his pointy crab leg. Because of the decision to make his attire out of rubber/silicone pretty much every element of this figure apart from his hessian sash is sculpted. This works fantastically for the look of the figure, and gives his outfit a kind of glossy, wet, translucence that adds to the authenticity of a cursed half fish man who lives most of his life beneath the waves. His coat and hat, well in fact pretty much all of him bar his face, crab leg and claw are adorned with all manner of fruits de la mer, like limpets, muscles, clams, cockles, barnacles, algae and seaweed, these are all sculpted to the usual HT standard- i.e. - very high, but more on his outfit later.

His face looks pretty much spot-on, his right hand is in a gripping position with a very long tentacle forefinger; this has a wire running through it for posing and works well when gripping his accessories.

His crab arm is like the leg, very nicely done but they both have limited movement. Surprisingly, the leg has a greater range and moves out from the body and can get into crouches and stepping positions pretty well, but the arm has a rubber covered joint at the elbow which means it struggles to stay at a 90% angle, because of the exoskeletal properties of a crab.

The paint on his coat, waistcoat, trousers and boots is all very crisp, expertly applied and shows some very fine work on the all the barnacles and algae mentioned above, they also show some great use in washes and paint effects to give the overall final look a real feeling of age and weathering. It is ultimately rubber dressed rather than fabric, means the differentiation between what is clothing and what is organic has become a little blurred. There is also some nice airbrush work and detailed spotting and paternation on his crab arm and leg, but it’s the head and face that draw your focus.

The base plastic used has some fantastic semi-opaque, translucent qualities and these have been enhanced with a very clever and subtle use of paints that don t cover this up; meaning things like the lines and suckers on his tentacles are greatly enhanced without looking too obvious and with the light behind him it all looks very flesh-like and organic. The actual eye painting is also very tightly executed. He also has his bandanna painted on, there is some nice fine detail work here.

The articulation is the only area Davy is really found wanting, underneath all of his layers is a modified True-Type so you can still get some good poses out of him, but the engineering and mechanics of being a rubber-dressed figure with one crab leg, one crab claw and a large be-tentacled head with an octopus sack at the rear mean Davy is not up there with Spiderman when it comes to his agility.

You will get any number of general standing and gesturing poses, and he interacts with his accessories well, and with some teasing you can get some of his swashbuckling poses seen at the end of At World s End (AWE) but you will struggle to get anything too extreme or deep when it comes to fighting stances.

So far all the characters in this line have come with pretty much everything you could want for each specific character, and Davy ain t no different.


- Crab claw pipe - Sword - Barnacle covered sheath - Walking stick

(Funnily enough you get one with the Neca version as well but Davy never actually uses one in the movies) - Double-stem key - The Dead Man’s Chest - Davy Jones heart - Stand with character name and POTC-DMC logo

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