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Cannibal Jack Sparrow Archive Statue

Cannibal Jack Sparrow Archive Statue

Soška Jack Sparrowa vytvořená podle filmové předlohy the Pirates of the Caribbean: : Dead Man s Chest vycházející z dějové řady the collectible series je vysoká cca 30 cm s detailním zpracováním.

Jack comes with two heads, and both of them are new sculpts. He wears the regular Jack head in the box, with the Cannibal head as sort of an accessory for the Cannibal look.

The original head sculpt captures Depp as Jack a bit better from a purely realistic appearance, largely because this version seems a bit fatter in the face. But this version also has the smirk, that trademark look that made Jack truly Jack, so many folks will like it as well or better than the original version.

The Cannibal head is fantastic ... going for a very unique, very specific, very extreme expression...and Hot Toys pulled it off beautifully. They went for his aghast look, eyes wide open, looking slightly downward, mouth turned down and pulled back, as if he is a bit perplexed or worried about the current state of affairs. This was another standard look for the character, but he used it in the cannibal scene to great effect. One never seen anyone pull off such a specific and exaggerated expression this well, with this much realism and lifelike skill. Yulli did the work here, and she is to be commended.

The sculpting on his hands is top notch as well, with the attached pair working for most gesturing poses, and a third included for gripping accessories. The fingers seem a smidge long, but they are not quite at alien proportions. Not only is all the jewelry included on the hands, but the left is bandaged and bloody, using real cloth, just like in the film.

Jack is a work of art. A fantastic sculpt like this deserved nothing but the best when it came to the paint work, and it received royal treatment.

Everything is clean and neat, but more than that, it is all very lifelike. Note to Sideshow: this is how you do facial hair. The skin tone is excellent, the eyes are even and clean with just a touch of gloss, and the native eye decorations on his face are just about perfect. The overall quality is just so high, especially for a production paint job.

The accessories that can be attached to his outfit and belt are - the keys, the compass, the paw, the tooth, and the pelts. The quality on all of these is great, but the keys and compass are particularly well done.

Of course, Jack would not be Jack without some weapons, so we get a flintlock, sword and scabbard. The scabbard fits in his leather shoulder strap nicely, and he can hold the sword in the extra gripping hand.

Speaking of the gripping hand, it works well, holding the gun or sword in deadly fashion. It is a bit tricky to pop them on and off, since the sculpted wrist bands run fairly far down the forearms, but you will get the hang of it. If the wrist joint pops out with the hand, just grab those needle nose pliers again.

What is amazing is that all of that is not even the main course. But to go with it are three more accessories, all of which sport exceptional detail and amazing paint.

Cannibal Jack would not be Cannibal Jack without the head gear, and the work here is almost indescribable. There is all the creepy cannibal artifacts, like a human skull on top, snakes wrapped around, and various other bits and bobs. The two large feathers are well attached, and amazingly enough, that is real dried prarie (or jungle) grass on the side! It fits on his head perfectly, and is one of the nicest accessories ever seen.

But that is not all for Cannibal Jack, oh no. He has a necklace of human fingers, which fits perfectly around his neck. You might want to put it on when you have the head popped off though, as it takes more effort to get it on over and under the hair otherwise.

Finally, he has the ju-ju wand, sculpted from solid heavy plastic with extreme detail. It is actually a bit too heavy for him to hold well in one hand, since both the gesturing hand and the gripping hand are too far open to hold it tightly. But using both hands you can get some good poses.

Of course, both figures come with the usual Hot Toys display bases. They are nice to have if you live in an earthquake zone, but these figures stand well enough on their own that they should not be required for most folks.

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