King Leonidas Action Figure
Cena 1 260,00 Kč s 21% DPH
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Soška krále Leonidas vytvořená podle historické řady the movie "300" collection vycházející z graphic novel by Frank Miller je vysoká cca 17 cm s detailním zpracováním.
Leonidas is a great sculpt having a warriors pose with a wide stance. He was given a slightly weird right foot position, up on the ball of that foot slightly, making it tough for him to stand without the base, but it doesn t hurt the overall appearance at all.
His body is muscled and solid, but there is no sign of any completely ridiculous proportions or comic book muscles. The proportions look great, either with the helmeted head or the extra uncovered head.
Of special note is the nice texturing that was added to the cape, making it appear like cloth rather than plastic.
Small touches like these - and the pock marks on the metal of the helmet - add quite a bit of realism to his appearance.
Both hands are sculpted to hold accessories, but both are also made from very, very hard plastic. That means that getting the softer accessories in the hands can be a bit tricky, and you should take some care.
The Leonidas scale 7" figure has ball jointed shoulders at the torso, which allow the arms to move out from the body and fully over the head.
Leonidas makes up for some shortcomings with a great set of extras. He has the extra head, lacking the helmet. The sculpt is excellent, although he has got that shiny face going. The heads pop on and off easy enough, and having both heads really adds to the posing possibilities.
He also has his trademark shield, with battle damage. The sculpt is excellent once again, and there is both a handle for his hand and a wide strap for his arm in back.
What would a King of Sparta be without his weapons? Leonidas comes with a very cool spear, along with his short sword. The sword handle comes apart at the back of the hilt, so that it can be placed in his hand and the hilt reattached.
Finally, Leonidas has a base. It is a plain black base, designed to keep him standing due to that slightly odd foot pose.
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