Queen Gorgo Action Figure
Cena 1 260,00 Kč s 21% DPH
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Soška královny Gorgo vytvořená podle historické řady the movie "300" collection vycházející z graphic novel by Frank Miller je vysoká cca 17 cm s detailním zpracováním.
Queen Gorgo is the beautiful female having a perfect Mediterranean face, with high cheekbones and an excellent hair sculpt. No tootsie roll dreadlocks here, and the hair flows nicely over the back and shoulders.
The face structure is great giving her a realistic and very regal expression. If you were lucky enough to be in this woman s presence, you would know you were with royalty.
The body sculpt is also perfect. The long flowing white robes fold and layer just right, and while they could have cheaped out and give her no legs at all underneath there, they didn t. They also gave her cleavage that looks like a real woman - certainly a well endowed woman, but a natural beauty, one without implants. While some aspects of beauty have altered with the whims of the current culture over time, this is a woman that would be beautiful no matter what period of history.
Gogo s sculpt is accented with great paint work, especially the eyes and lips. They aren t too large, and there is no slop or poor edges anywhere. The skin tone is excellent, as is the hair line, making her just about as good a female figure as we have seen in ages.
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