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King Leonidas Gerard Butler Statue 01/2017

King Leonidas Gerard Butler Statue  01/2017

Soška Leonida vytvořená podle historické řady the movie "300" collection vycházející z graphic novel by Frank Miller je vysoká cca 30 cm s detailním zpracováním.

The movie 300, adapted from the graphic novel by Frank Miller, was a hit that made director Zach Snyder a star and cemented Gerard Butler as an impressive leading man.

Butler portrayed the famous Spartan king Leonidas who, according to legend, held off the Persian army with just 300 Spartan warriors.

This figure of Leonidas features an all new sculpted body with over 30 points of articulation and two portrait heads; one screaming "This is Sparta!" and another calmer expression.

He comes with his spear, removable helmet, sword, shield, Spartan armor and enemy arrows. A highly popular character from a classic film, this figure is sure to be in high demand.

The 1/6th Scale Leonidas Collectible figure features:

-1:6th scale body, approximately 30 cm tall with over 30 points of articulation

- Fully realized authentic likeness of Gerard Butler as Leonidas in the movie "300" with accurate facial expression and detailed skin texture

-Each head sculpt is specially hand-painted

PARTS: - Two (2) interchangeable portrait heads; one with a calm expression and one with a yelling expression. - Four (4) interchangeable hands including:

- One (1) pair of open hands; - One (1) right hand for holding sword or spear - One (1) left hand for holding shield


- One (1) Spartan shorts (ABS) - One (1) red cloak - One (1) set leg greaves - One (1) set arm bracers - One (1) brooch - One (1) wolf teeth necklace - One (1) scabbard - One (1) pair sandals (sculpted on feet)


- One (1) helmet - One (1) sword - One (1) spear - One (1) shield - Three (3) broken arrows


One (1) Plastic stand with waist clip.

The excellent Movie Masterpiece Series MMS114 1/6 scale 12" King Leonidas (Gerard Butler) collectible figure from the 2006 movie "300".

The craftsmanship is without doubt one of the FINEST.

King Leonidas: Spartans! What is your profession?

Spartans: HA-OOH! HA-OOH! HA-OOH!

King Leonidas: [turning to Daxos] You see, old friend? I brought more soldiers than you did.

Here is King Leonidas with his Spartan (Corinthian) helmet with its real-like horsehair crest, crimson cloak (himation), wolf s tooth necklace, battle damaged Spartan shield (aspis, in Greek: ἀσπίς) with faux-leather hand hold and spear (doru, Greek: δόρυ), vambraces, leg greaves and sandals. His Sword (Xiphos, Greek: ξίφος) and faux-leather scabbard.

The Spartan s main weapon was the Doru (Spear). For long range, they carried a javelin. The Spartiatēs was always armed with a xiphos (a double-edged, single-hand sword used by the ancient Greeks) as a secondary weapon.

Persian: A thousand nations of the Persian empire descend upon you. Our arrows will blot out the sun!
Stelios: Then we will fight in the shade. [as arrows rain down on the Spartans, Astinos begins laughing hysterically]
Stelios: What the hell are you laughing at?
Astinos: Well, you had to say it!
Stelios: What?
Astinos: "Fight in the shade"! [both laugh]
Persian General: Spartans, lay down your weapons.
[a spear flies out and impales him through the chest, and he falls out of the saddle, dead]
King Leonidas: Persians! Come and get them!

After the initial hail of arrows, the Spartans prepare for close quarter combat by drawing their swords and readying themselves for battle.

In one of the scenes from the film, the Spartans break the arrows that had become impaled in their shield. Here come seven (7) sticks of varying heights (representing broken arrows) for inserting into the Spartan shield (aspis) to re-create this look.

The xiphos (a double-edged, single-hand sword used by the ancient Greeks) which the Spartans were armed with in the film is of a most interesting design.

It seems to be a merge of two Greek weapons, the Kopis (chopper) which is a scythe weapon used in a hacking motion and the Xiphos which looked more like a sword as the iron blade of the xiphos was narrow-waisted toward the handle and heavily weighted at the lower part.

The Xiphos leaf shaped design lent itself to both cutting and thrusting. The Xiphos in pictures was a smooth double-edged sword whereas the one seen in the 1/6 scale King Leonidas hands is anything but smooth.

King Leonidas: The world will know that free men stood against a tyrant, that few stood against many, and before this battle was over, even a god-king can bleed.

Dilios (David Wenham): "Remember us." As simple an order as a king can give. "Remember why we died."

For he did not wish tribute, nor song, nor monuments nor poems of war and valor. His wish was simple. "Remember us," he said to me. That was his hope, should any free soul come across that place, in all the countless centuries yet to be. May all our voices whisper to you from the ageless stones, "Go tell the Spartans, passerby, that here by Spartan law, we lie."

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