Connor Kenway The Last Breath Assassin s Creed III Statue
Cena 3 873,00 Kč s 21% DPH
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Soška Connor Kenway vytvořená podle předlohy figurální řady Assassin s Creed III vycházející z the Ubicollectibles line je vysoká cca 28 cm s detailním zpracováním.
Ubicollectibles presents its latest creation "Connor - The Last Breath", directly inspired by a scene from the action-packed announcement trailer for Assassin s Creed III.
This finely-detailed collection piece shows Connor Kenway about to execute an English general to protect the freedom and independence of his people.
With its original pose and high-quality finish, this iconic figurine will perfectly complete your Assassin s Creed collection.
Dimensions: 28 x 23 x 15 cm
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